Privacy Statement


WDS Terminals B.V. (hereinafter: “WDS“, “our” or “we“) is an independent, international, storage and transport company, which is part of a group of companies whose parent company is IIF Int’l Holding LP. We attach great importance to the protection of your personal data. For this reason, in this privacy statement we provide clear and transparent information on how and for what purpose we process your personal data. In this statement, we also inform you of your rights with regard to the processing of your personal data and how you can exercise these rights.

This privacy statement applies to all processing of personal data by WDS referred to in this privacy statement. Please read this statement carefully and regularly. If you have any questions regarding this privacy statement you can contact us via the contact details at the bottom of this privacy statement.


WDS, as a data controller within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR“, or in Dutch: “AVG”), is responsible for the processing of personal data as reflected in this privacy statement. We make every effort to process personal data in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of the countries in which we operate, including the AVG.


From whom do we collect personal data?

In the course of our business activities, we process various personal data of (potential) customers, suppliers, website visitors and/or visitors to our locations and/or offices (including our terminals). We also process personal data of employees and job applicants, but for more information on these, please refer to our internal privacy statement for employees (see Code of Conduct) and the privacy statement for job applicants on the website respectively.

How do we collect personal data from customers, suppliers, website visitors and visitors to our sites and/or offices (including our terminals)?

We collect data from our (potential) customers and suppliers through personal contacts, telephone conversations and e-mail. We do this for example when you contact us, when we perform services for you or when you perform services for us. We also process personal data when you visit one of our sites and/or offices (including our terminals), for example when registering visitors or through camera surveillance.

When you visit our website, we may process personal data by using cookies.. A further explanation regarding cookies is given below in this privacy statement. When you log in to your account, to one of our portals or when you contact us via the contact form on the website, we process the personal data that you provide us with in that way.

What personal data do we process from you and why?

The table below shows (non-exhaustively) for each category of personal data from whom we process them, why we process them and on what ground we base such processing.

Categories of personal data:Categories of data subjects:Why do we process your data?Legal basis:
Contact details (business or personal telephone number, e-mail address) / name and address details (first name and last name, title(s), address, town) / company name, industry*(Potential) customers and suppliers


Website visitors

Visitors to our sites and/or offices (including our terminals)

Conducting correspondence, carrying out business activities, maintaining the business relationship and/or carrying out promotional activities (e.g. direct marketing)Required for entering into an agreement or for protecting our legitimate interest
Other personal data (gender, age, place and date of birth, position and department, registration plate number)(Potential) customers and suppliers


Visitors to our sites and/or offices (including our terminals)


Conducting correspondence, carrying out business activities and maintaining the business relationshipThe protection of our legitimate interest
Camera surveillance / surveillance images(Potential) customers and suppliers


Visitors to our sites and/or offices (including our terminals)

For the protection of Koole property and employees and to ensure a safe (working) environmentThe protection of our legitimate interest
Bank and payment information (bank account number and, if applicable, credit card number, bank statement, VAT number and TIN number)*(Potential) customers and suppliersTo process orders and to make and receive payments



Required for entering into an agreement or to comply with a statutory obligation
Online account data (data relating to the KTB Virtual Office and KTB Customer portals such as login ID/e-mail address, screen name, password and account activity including payment and order data entered)*.[1](Potential) customers and suppliers


Website visitors

For account management and to process orders and to make and receive paymentsRequired for entering into an agreement or for protecting our legitimate interest
Information about your activities on our website(s), online behaviour, IP address and location data, device typeWebsite visitorsTo maintain and improve our website and monitor the performance and use of our website and improve your browsing experienceTo protect our legitimate interest or consent

We will not process your personal data for purposes other than those for which it was obtained, unless you give us your explicit consent. We will not oblige you to provide certain personal data and will do our best not to process more personal data than necessary for the aforementioned purposes. However, certain personal data are necessary in order to be able to offer our services. If these data are not provided, we cannot offer our services.

We aim not to process special and/or sensitive personal data such as racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical convictions, trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data, health data or data relating to sexual behaviour or orientation.


Koole will not retain your personal data longer than is necessary for the purpose for which it was obtained, unless we are required to retain it for a longer period on the basis of a statutory provision.


Koole sometimes grants third parties access to personal data when it deems it necessary. These concern partners and business contacts (such as IT suppliers and marketing agencies) whom we have commissioned to perform services involving the processing of personal data. These third parties, as well as employees of Koole, are granted access to personal data only to the extent that Koole deems necessary. We may also share personal data within our group companies. In the event that personal data are shared, we will, where legally required or otherwise deemed necessary, enter into (processor) agreements to safeguard your rights. Employees of Koole are bound by a written agreement of confidentiality.

In principle, your data will not be shared with parties outside the European Economic Area (EEA). If this does happen, we will ensure a proper level of protection for your personal data. We do this, for example, by entering into the standard European Commission contracts made available for this purpose. In addition, we apply technical and organisational measures to ensure that your personal data is processed under the safeguards required by the AVG.

Koole reserves the right to provide personal data to third parties if required to do so by law or if Koole considers this to be justified in order to comply with a legal request/process or to protect the rights, property or safety of Koole or its employees. In this respect we will always endeavour to respect your right to privacy as much as possible.


Within the context of the processing of your personal data, you have various rights. These rights are listed below, after which it is explained how you can exercise these rights.

  • Right to information and inspection: you have the right to request an overview of the data we process about you.
  • Right to amendment or restriction: if your data has changed or is otherwise incorrect, you have the right to have your data rectified by us. You can also request us to restrict the processing of your personal data.
  • Right to transfer: you have the right to request Koole to transfer the data we process from you to another party.
  • Right to erasure of data: you have the right to request deletion of your data.
  • Right to object: you can object to the use of your personal data, for example if you believe that the use of your personal data is not necessary for the performance of our activities or to comply with a legal obligation.
  • Right to withdraw consent: if Koole processes your data on the basis of consent given by you, you have the right to withdraw this consent at any time. Please note that you do not thereby withdraw your consent for personal data previously processed on the basis of your consent.
  • Right to lodge a complaint: if you have any complaints about the processing of your personal data by Koole, you may make them known to us. In the unlikely event that you are not satisfied with the settlement of the complaint or otherwise with the handling of your personal data by Koole, you can also submit a complaint to the Dutch Data Protection Authority (AP) (via

We will comply with your request, unless we have a compelling legitimate interest in not complying with your request that outweighs your (privacy) interest. If we have deleted the data, for technical reasons we may not be able to immediately remove all copies of the data from our systems and back-up systems. We may also refuse to comply with the above requests if they are made unreasonably frequently, require unreasonable technical effort, or have unreasonable technical consequences for our systems or jeopardise the privacy of others.

How do I exercise my rights?

If you wish to exercise (one of) the above rights, you can contact Koole for this purpose via the contact details given below in this privacy statement.

In order to ensure that the request is really made by you as the data subject, we ask you to enclose a copy of your proof of identity with the request. We ask you to black out the passport photo, MRZ (machine readable zone: the strip with numbers at the bottom of the passport), passport number and BSN. This can be done, for example, with the government’s mobile application KopieID.

Once we have received your request, we will respond to it as quickly as possible, but in any event within four weeks. If we comply with your request, we will of course also inform other parties involved in the processing (if applicable).


The Koole website uses cookies. A cookie is (part of) a text file that is stored on your computer, tablet or smartphone when you first visit the website. We use the following cookies on our website.

Functional cookies
These cookies are necessary to provide the services and functionalities you have requested. They ensure that the website works properly and remember, for example, your preferences. They also allow us to optimise our website.

Analytical cookies

These cookies allow us to keep track of visitor statistics, giving us a better insight into the functioning of our website. This way we can see how many visitors come to our website and we get a picture of their surfing behaviour. We use the Google web analysis service called ‘Google Analytics’ for this purpose. For more information, please read the Google Analytics privacybeleid. Do you not want your visitor behaviour to be tracked by Google Analytics? In that case you can download a plug-in from Google that prevents this. This plug-in is available for Microsoft Internet Explorer 11, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari and Opera. This setting will apply to all websites you visit, not just this one. The plug-in can be installed via the following link:

Tracking cookies

With your permission, we place tracking cookies on your computer. These cookies allow us to track your browsing behaviour on our website and to derive information about your interests. This information allows us to tailor the web content to you and to assess which services might be of interest to you. We place tracking cookies on the website ourselves. During your first website visit, you will be asked whether you want to accept these cookies. If you do not accept the cookies, we will not place tracking cookies.

Refusing cookies

You can decide for yourself whether to accept or refuse cookies. You can set your browser to notify you when cookies are placed. In addition, you can disable the use of cookies in your browser. You can also delete cookies that have already been placed. Please note that you have to adjust the settings separately for each browser and computer you use. How you can adjust your settings differs per browser. You can also find information under the ‘help’ menu of your browser for setting your cookie preferences. Please be aware that if you do not want cookies, we can no longer guarantee that our websites will work properly. It is possible that some functionality of the sites will be lost, or even that you will not be able to see certain websites at all, because of the functionality that cookies provide.


We take the protection of your data seriously and take appropriate technical and organisational measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorised access, unwanted disclosure and unauthorised amendments. To this end, wds uses a variety of security techniques, including secure servers, firewalls, passwords and the physical security of areas where data is stored.

Should, despite our security measures, a security incident (such as a data leak) occur that is likely to have adverse consequences for you, we will inform you of the incident as soon as possible. In doing so, we will also provide information about the measures we have taken to limit the consequences and prevent recurrence in the future.

If you discover a security incident or if you suspect that a security incident has occurred, please contact us as soon as possible using the contact details provided in this privacy statement.


External links

Our website may contain links to other websites. We are not responsible for the practices of other websites that are linked to or from our website. This privacy statement does not apply when you use a link to go from our website to another website. Your conduct on a third-party website, including those parties who have a link on our website, is subject to those parties’ own rules and policies. We are in no way responsible for the privacy policies or content of these other websites. We encourage you to read the privacy statement and other relevant (legal) information on these websites.

Amendments to this privacy statement

WDS may amend this privacy statement at any time, whether or not as a result of a change in the privacy legislation, with the latest version of this privacy statement always being valid and rendering previous versions invalid. We, therefore, recommend that you review this privacy statement on a regular basis so that you are aware of the applicable version.

Contact details

For all matters relating to the protection and handling of your personal data, including the exercise of your rights in this respect, please contact:

WDS Terminals B.V.
Sluispolderweg 67
1505 HJ Zaandam

Tel: +31 75 681 28 12


*[1] Much of this data relates to company data which cannot be traced back to natural persons. In some cases (e.g. in the case of sole traders or e-mail addresses), this data may contain personal data.