
WDS’s integrated and innovative service solutions

Our services can help your organization thrive, boost your operational efficiency and gain a competitive edge. We adapt to your needs and ongoing transformation, and provide services that enable your business growth.

wds offers large storage facilities at strategic locations across the Netherlands, the UK and Poland. With a total capacity of over 4,100,000 cubic metres (CBM), our facilities handle a highly diversified base of large-volume products and offer excellent integrated and innovative service solutions.


  • 4,1M CBM total tank capacity
  • Automated volume and temperature monitoring
  • Tank capacity ranging from 600 to 40K CBM

Blending & Heating

  • Product blending, mixing & homogenization
  • Product heating
  • Tank insulation solutions for targeted energy efficiency

Processing & Refining

  • Integrated Petrochemical Industrial Distillation (PID) capabilities
  • PID is optimized to distill clean fuel
  • Enabling the transition to renewable energy products

Speciality Services

  • Vapor recovery, nitrogen blanketing, and client-specific food storage
  • Documentation and customs services
  • Automated drum-filling line

Multimodal Logistics

  • Flexible import and export capabilities
  • One-stop storage shop for localized rail, truck and barge facilities
  • Direct pipeline access from terminals


  • Private fleet of trucks
  • Cost-effective fill and transportation
  • Railway terminals for loading and unloading oils and fats
Project Completed
Happy Customers
Year of Experience
Hours Worked